Modern Slavery Statement


Committed to a just, fair and compassionate workplace

Zero Tolerance of Modern Slavery. Our Modern Slavery Statement reflects our unwavering commitment to identifying, preventing, and addressing any instances of modern slavery, adhering strictly to legal standards and ethical practices to ensure a workplace and business environment free from exploitation and injustice

(Updated 20th April 2024)
In compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015, Earthhaven Healthcare Solutions (EHS) provides this statement outlining our ongoing efforts to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking within our business operations. Modern slavery encompasses various forms, including slavery, servitude, human trafficking, and forced labour.

Earthhaven Healthcare maintains a strict zero-tolerance policy against all forms of modern slavery and is dedicated to conducting our business with the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and ethical conduct. Comprehensive systems and controls have been implemented to detect and prevent any instances of modern slavery within our organisation or supply chain.

This statement reaffirms our commitment to combating modern slavery and upholding legal and ethical standards.
Modern Slavery Statement
This statement is made pursuant to Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and sets out the actions that Earthhaven Healthcare Solutions Ltd. ("EHS") has taken, and continues to take, to ensure that modern slavery, child labour, human trafficking, and inhumane treatment do not occur within our business or our supply chain.

Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. It encompasses slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour, and human trafficking, all of which have in common the deprivation of a person's liberty by another to exploit them for personal or commercial gain. EHS has a zero-tolerance approach to any form of modern slavery.

Ethical Practices: EHS is committed to acting ethically, with integrity and transparency in all of its business dealings.
Systems and Controls: We have implemented and continue to refine effective systems and controls to ensure that modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in our business or in any of our supply chains.

Steps We Are Taking
Risk Assessment
We conduct thorough risk assessments to identify, assess, and monitor potential risks of modern slavery in our operations and supply chain.
Supplier Code of Conduct
EHS expects all suppliers and contractors to demonstrate a zero-tolerance approach to exploitation. Specific prohibitions against the use of forced, compulsory or trafficked labour, or anyone held in slavery or servitude, whether adults or children, are included in our supplier contracts.
Training and Awareness
We provide training to relevant employees to ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and business.
Reporting Mechanisms
EHS maintains clear and accessible whistleblowing and reporting mechanisms to encourage all employees and suppliers to report any suspicion of slavery or human trafficking without fear of retaliation.

Future Commitments
As part of our commitment to combating modern slavery, EHS pledges to continually review and enhance our practices and policies. We aim to conduct annual reviews of our policies and procedures to adapt and respond effectively to any incidents of modern slavery within our company or supply chain.

EHS recognises the importance of maintaining constant vigilance to identify and address any issues related to modern slavery, child labour, and human trafficking in any part of our business or supply chains. We are committed to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure that modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in our organisation or in any of our supply chains. This commitment is aligned with our dedication to ethical business practices and respect for human rights.
Our Business
Earthhaven Healthcare Solutions Ltd. ("EHS") is a distinguished provider in the healthcare industry, dedicated to offering comprehensive staffing solutions across the health and social care sectors. Since our establishment in 2022, we have been committed to enhancing the quality of care delivered throughout the United Kingdom.

Services Offered
For Care Professionals
EHS Workforce
EHS Academy
For Service Users
EHS Home Care
EHS Supported Living
EHS Shared Lives
EHS Life Skills
EHS Homespital
EHS Memory Pulse
For Care Organisations
EHS Staffing Solutions
EHS Corporate Academy
EHS Corporate Rota
EHS AI Solutions

Commitment to Quality
Accreditation and Standards: EHS adheres to the highest standards of recruitment and service delivery. We are fully accredited by relevant healthcare regulatory authorities, ensuring all staff meet rigorous professional standards.
Training and Development: Continuous professional development is at the core of our operations. We ensure that all our healthcare staff and support workers receive ongoing training to stay abreast of the latest in care practices and regulations.

Geographic Reach
Nationwide Services: EHS has a robust presence across the UK. Our network enables us to deliver services efficiently, no matter the location of our clients.

Innovation and Adaptation
Adapting to Needs: We continually adapt our services to meet the changing needs of the healthcare sector and the diverse populations we serve.
Innovative Solutions: EHS employs innovative staffing solutions and technologies to enhance service delivery and client satisfaction.

For over two decades, Earthhaven Healthcare Solutions Ltd. has been at the forefront of providing exceptional health and social care services. Our dedication to improving healthcare outcomes and our commitment to the wellbeing of our clients define who we are as a company. EHS remains dedicated to expanding our services and refining our approaches to meet and exceed the expectations of our clients and their communities.
Our People
At Earthhaven Healthcare Solutions Ltd. ("EHS"), our people are the cornerstone of our success. We are proud to employ a diverse and dedicated workforce committed to providing exceptional healthcare services. Here is a snapshot of our workforce and our commitments to our employees:

Employment Structure
Healthcare Staff: EHS currently employs healthcare professionals, including nurses, carers, and support workers, who are fundamental to our operations and service delivery.
Office-Based Staff: Supporting our healthcare teams, we have office-based employees who play a crucial role in ensuring smooth operations. This team includes specialists in Clinical Governance, Human Resources, and Learning & Development.

Employment Practices
Fair Working Practices: We uphold fair working practices across all aspects of employment and workplace interactions. Our policies are designed to support a positive and productive work environment.

Wages: EHS ensures that all staff salaries meet or exceed the requirements of the National Minimum Wage. We are dedicated to fair compensation for the hard work and dedication of our staff.

Commitment to Our Staff
Development and Support: We are dedicated to the continuous professional development of our staff. EHS provides ongoing training and development opportunities through our EHS Academy to ensure that our team is equipped with the latest knowledge and skills in their respective fields.
Employee Wellbeing: Our commitment extends beyond professional development. We strive to support the overall wellbeing of our employees through comprehensive support systems and resources.

The commitment and expertise of our staff are what enable EHS to deliver superior healthcare services. By investing in our people and upholding our values of fairness and respect, we foster a supportive and dynamic workplace where every employee can thrive.
At Earthhaven Healthcare, transparency is paramount in our recruitment and placement practices. We are committed to upholding the Duty of Candour principles and complying with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. Our contracts and service level agreements with all supply chains prioritize transparency and mutual accountability.

In the event of any incidents involving modern slavery or human trafficking, Earthhaven Healthcare promptly documents and investigates as necessary. We ensure appropriate referral to regulatory bodies in accordance with our robust Safeguarding and Accident and Incident Reporting Policies, as well as in alignment with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Our High-risk Areas
At Earthhaven Healthcare Solutions Ltd. ("EHS"), we are dedicated to maintaining ethical practices across all areas of our operations, especially concerning the prevention of modern slavery and human trafficking. While we have not identified any specific high-risk areas within our business, we remain vigilant and proactive in monitoring and assessing all aspects of our policies and processes.

Preventative Measures
Recruitment Procedures
Robust Recruitment: We employ stringent recruitment procedures to ensure all candidates meet our high standards of integrity and compliance.
Immigration Checks: These checks are crucial in verifying the legal status and eligibility for employment of potential staff members in the UK.
Right to Work Verification: All candidates must provide correct and valid documentation confirming their right to work in the UK, ensuring compliance with national employment laws.
Clearance and Training
Appropriate Clearances: Candidates must obtain necessary clearances, including DBS checks in England and Wales, PVG checks in Scotland, and Access NI checks in Northern Ireland.
Training Programs: All candidates undergo comprehensive training, including safeguarding adults and children, to prepare them for the responsibilities of their roles.
Staff Training and Policies
Office Staff Training: Our office-based staff are also thoroughly trained to uphold our standards and to recognise signs of unethical practices including modern slavery and human trafficking.
Policies and Procedures: We have established clear policies and procedures that guide our operations and the conduct of our staff, supporting our commitment to ethical practices.

Ongoing Monitoring
Continuous Assessment: EHS continuously monitors and evaluates the effectiveness of our preventive measures and policies. This ongoing process helps us identify any potential risks and implement timely improvements or corrective actions as necessary.

While EHS currently does not identify any areas of our business as high risk for modern slavery or human trafficking, we remain committed to ethical business conduct and the welfare of all individuals associated with our operations. We will continue to enhance our monitoring and preventive efforts to ensure our practices remain effective and aligned with our core values and legal obligations.
Our Policies
At Earthhaven Healthcare Solutions Ltd. ("EHS"), we are committed to conducting our business in an ethical, legal, and transparent manner. We have implemented a comprehensive suite of internal policies designed to guide our operations and ensure the highest standards of conduct are met by all employees and associated persons. Here are the key policies we maintain:

Core Policies
1. Anti-Slavery Policy
Purpose: This policy outlines our stance against modern slavery and human trafficking, detailing how employees can identify and report instances of such activities.
Support: Provides guidance on where employees can seek help if they suspect instances of modern slavery.
2. Recruitment Policy
Procedures: Features robust recruitment practices that include thorough eligibility to work checks for all prospective employees, ensuring compliance with UK employment laws and safeguarding against human trafficking and forced labor.
3. Whistleblowing Policy
Empowerment: Encourages employees to report any unethical behavior or treatment of colleagues, as well as questionable practices within our business or supply chain, without fear of retaliation or reprisal.
4. Safeguarding Policies
Children and Adults: Separate policies for the safeguarding of children and the protection of adults in England, Wales, and Scotland ensure that all vulnerable groups are protected from abuse and exploitation.
5. Duty of Candour Policy
Transparency: This policy ensures that our business practices are carried out with openness and honesty, promoting an environment where ethical practices are at the forefront.

Supplementary Policies
1. Accident and Incident Reporting Policy
Documentation and Response: Ensures all accidents and incidents are reported and handled promptly to mitigate risks and improve safety.
2. Equality and Diversity Policy
Inclusion and Fairness: Promotes an inclusive workplace that respects diversity and ensures equality in all business practices and employee interactions.
3. Complaints Policies
Regional Specificity: We maintain distinct complaints policies tailored to the legal and social frameworks of England, Scotland, and Wales, allowing for responsive and appropriate handling of grievances.

These policies are integral to our commitment to lawful and ethical conduct across all aspects of our operations. By adhering to these policies, EHS ensures that all employees and stakeholders are aligned with our values of integrity, transparency, and respect for human rights. We continually review and update our policies to respond to new challenges and to improve our practices in combating modern slavery and upholding the highest ethical standards.
Our Suppliers
At Earthhaven Healthcare Solutions Ltd. ("EHS"), we maintain rigorous standards for engaging with suppliers to ensure that our supply chain reflects our ethical commitments and legal obligations. Our supplier policy, including a preferred supplier list, is central to this effort.

Due Diligence Process
Initial Checks: We conduct thorough due diligence on all potential suppliers before they are added to our preferred supplier list. This process includes online searches to verify that these organisations have not been convicted of offenses related to modern slavery.
On-Site Audits: Further due diligence includes on-site audits to inspect working conditions, ensuring compliance with our ethical standards and the laws regarding modern slavery.

Contractual Requirements
Anti-Slavery Agreement: Our future anti-slavery policies will be incorporated into our contracts with all suppliers. Suppliers must affirm that no part of their business operations is in violation of these policies.
Confirmation of Compliance: Suppliers are required to confirm the following as part of their contractual obligations:
Eradication of Modern Slavery: They have taken steps to eradicate modern slavery within their own business operations.
Supplier Accountability: They hold their own suppliers accountable for modern slavery issues.
Wage Compliance (UK): For suppliers based in the UK, they must pay their employees at least the national minimum wage.
Wage Compliance (International): For international suppliers, they must ensure that their employees receive at least the prevailing minimum wage in the country of operations.

Right to Terminate
Zero Tolerance: We maintain a zero-tolerance policy towards modern slavery. Accordingly, our contracts stipulate that we may terminate our relationship with any supplier if instances of modern slavery are discovered within their operations or supply chain.

EHS is dedicated to upholding and promoting high standards of ethical conduct throughout our supply chain. By implementing strict due diligence processes and embedding anti-slavery stipulations into our supplier contracts, we aim to combat modern slavery and ensure compliance with ethical norms and legal standards across our business interactions.
At Earthhaven Healthcare Solutions Ltd. ("EHS"), we recognize the critical importance of training to maintain high ethical standards and legal compliance across our operations. Training is a fundamental component of our strategy to combat modern slavery within our business and supply chain.

Training Programs
Induction Training
Objective: To ensure that all new employees are familiar with our company values, ethical standards, and the specific expectations of their roles.
Content: Includes comprehensive information on recognizing the signs of modern slavery and understanding the procedures for reporting suspected cases.
Contract-Specific Training
Targeted Learning: Tailored training that addresses specific responsibilities and challenges related to different roles within the company.
Relevance: Ensures that employees working in various capacities understand the nuances of modern slavery as it might pertain to their specific job functions and sectors.

Ongoing Education
Annual Refresher Training
Frequency: Conducted at least annually to reinforce our commitment to ethical practices and to refresh knowledge on the subject.
Updates: Includes the latest changes in legislation and best practices related to modern slavery and human rights.
Additional Training Sessions
Ad Hoc Updates: Additional sessions are provided whenever there are significant changes to legislation or best practice guidelines that affect our operations.
Responsive Training: Allows us to stay agile and informed, ensuring that our team remains on the forefront of ethical compliance and industry standards.

Training is integral to sustaining our ethical commitments at EHS. By regularly updating and reinforcing our training programs, we equip our staff with the knowledge and tools they need to actively participate in the detection and prevention of modern slavery. This proactive approach not only enhances compliance with legal standards but also supports a culture of vigilance and responsibility across all levels of our organization.
Our Performance Indicators
At Earthhaven Healthcare Solutions Ltd. ("EHS"), we are committed to ensuring that our operations and supply chains are free from modern slavery and human trafficking. To assess the effectiveness of our actions and policies, we have established specific performance indicators.

Key Indicators of Success
Absence of Reports
Monitoring Reports: A primary indicator of our success in combating modern slavery is the absence of reports indicating such practices. We consider the following sources:
Employees: Regular feedback and reports from our staff are monitored to ensure they have not identified any signs of modern slavery.
Public: Input and complaints from the public serve as a critical check on our operations.
Police and UK Border Agency: Communications or reports from law enforcement and border control authorities indicating findings of modern slavery practices within our operations or supply chain.
Local Authority and Other Bodies: Reports from local government or other commissioning bodies that oversee or regulate our activities.
Proactive Measures
Preventative Actions: Beyond the absence of negative reports, we also measure the effectiveness of our training programs and policy implementations that contribute to an environment where modern slavery is unlikely to occur.
Engagement and Awareness: The level of engagement during training sessions and awareness initiatives is assessed to ensure that they are effective and that the information provided is retained by employees.

Continuous Improvement
Review and Adaptation: We continuously review these indicators and the underlying data to adapt our strategies and improve our practices. This ongoing process allows us to stay ahead of potential risks and ensure compliance with evolving regulations and societal expectations.

By monitoring these performance indicators, EHS aims to maintain a vigilant and proactive stance against modern slavery and human trafficking. Our commitment to ethical practices and compliance is reflected in our rigorous monitoring and continuous improvement efforts, ensuring that our business operations remain transparent and responsible.
Approval for this Statement
This statement as shown was approved by the Executive Board of Directors on 20th April 2024 and duly authorised by David Fadimu, Managing Director.