Corporate Governance


Dedicated to maintaining high standards of integrity and accountability

Our Corporate Governance policy embodies our commitment to ethical business practices, transparent decision-making, and accountability to stakeholders, ensuring the company is managed and operated in a manner that is responsible, compliant with regulations, and aligned with the best interests of our employees, customers, shareholders, and the broader community

(Updated 20th April 2024)
This Corporate Governance Policy establishes the framework within which Earthhaven Healthcare Solutions Ltd. (EHS), and its subsidiaries operate. Our commitment to governance is based on principles that define our culture and business practices, aiming for the highest standards of integrity and compliance. This policy sets forth the guidelines and standards for business conduct to ensure that all EHS operations reflect consistent and enforced ethical and lawful practices.

Purpose of the Policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the governance of EHS is conducted in a transparent, ethical, and effective manner. This policy provides the foundation for:
Enhancing organisational performance by establishing a clear understanding of expectations for the Board of Directors and the management team.
Ensuring accountability of EHS to its stakeholders through rigorous oversight of the company’s activities.
Maintaining investor confidence through adherence to established governance standards.
Protecting the interests of stakeholders and ensuring the company’s obligations to them are understood and met.

Scope of the Policy
The Corporate Governance Policy applies to all directors, officers, and employees of Earthhaven Healthcare Solutions Ltd. and its controlled entities. It covers a broad spectrum of governance-related areas, including board responsibilities, management accountability, and shareholder engagement. This policy is integral to the daily operations of EHS and to the responsibilities of those who lead and manage the organization.

Through this policy, EHS commits to monitoring its governance structures and practices continuously and adjusting them as necessary to meet the changing demands of the business environment and legal landscape in the healthcare sector. This policy also seeks to embed the principles of good governance into the company culture, ensuring that every decision and action aligns with the ethical standards expected by our stakeholders and ourselves.
Corporate Governance Framework
The Corporate Governance Framework at Earthhaven Healthcare Solutions Ltd. (EHS) establishes the system by which the company is directed and controlled. It sets out the distribution of rights and responsibilities among different participants in the organization, such as the board, managers, shareholders, and other stakeholders, and spells out the rules and procedures for making decisions on corporate affairs. This framework ensures that EHS upholds and promotes transparency, accountability, and fair business practices.

Key Components of the Framework
Governance Structure
Board of Directors: The Board is the highest governing body within EHS, responsible for overseeing all aspects of the company’s operations and governance. The Board’s roles include setting corporate strategies, overseeing executive actions, and ensuring corporate accountability.
Executive Management: Led by the Chief Executive Officer, the executive management is responsible for the day-to-day management of EHS, implementing the Board’s strategies, and ensuring operational effectiveness.
Committees: Several committees operate under the Board to oversee specific areas such as Audit, Risk, Compensation, and Compliance. These committees are tasked with providing detailed scrutiny and guidance on specialized topics.

Principles of Governance
Accountability: EHS is accountable to its stakeholders through transparent reporting and disclosures, ensuring that stakeholders can assess the company's performance and governance practices.
Transparency: Information about the company’s activities, financial situation, and performance is disclosed in a timely and accurate manner to all relevant stakeholders.
Integrity: All actions undertaken by EHS and its staff are conducted with the highest level of integrity and ethics.
Responsibility: EHS recognizes its social, environmental, and economic responsibilities and incorporates these considerations into its business decisions and operations.

Roles and Responsibilities
Board Responsibilities: The Board provides leadership, sets strategic objectives, and ensures that necessary resources are available for achieving these objectives. It also monitors management’s performance and the company's adherence to standards and legal regulations.
Management Responsibilities: Management executes the daily operational functions of EHS under the leadership of the CEO and in line with the strategies set by the Board. They ensure that all business processes and transactions adhere to the company’s policies and ethical standards.
Stakeholder Engagement: Regular engagement with stakeholders to gather feedback, address concerns, and discuss the company’s impact on society.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance
EHS adheres to all applicable laws, regulations, and standards in the jurisdictions where it operates. The company also ensures that it complies with international health care standards and best practices.

Ethical Conduct
A comprehensive Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy outlines the standards of ethical behavior expected from employees and management. Training and resources are provided to support adherence to these standards.

Risk Management
EHS implements a robust risk management framework that identifies, evaluates, and manages risks that could impact the organization’s ability to achieve its objectives.
Roles and Responsibilities
The roles and responsibilities within the corporate governance framework at Earthhaven Healthcare Solutions Ltd. (EHS) are clearly delineated to ensure effective oversight, accountability, and management of the company. This section outlines the key roles and their respective responsibilities, providing a transparent structure that supports effective decision-making and governance.

Board of Directors
Overall Responsibility: The Board has the ultimate responsibility for the governance and success of EHS, setting strategic direction and overseeing management’s execution of these strategies.
Policy and Decision-Making: Develops and approves major policies, corporate strategies, and financial objectives.
Oversight and Monitoring: Monitors the performance of the CEO and other senior executives, ensuring that company objectives are achieved efficiently and ethically.
Risk Management: Oversees the company’s risk management processes, ensuring that significant risks are identified and appropriately managed.
Compliance and Integrity: Ensures compliance with laws, regulations, and company policies; upholds the highest standards of integrity and corporate conduct.
Succession Planning: Manages succession planning for the CEO and other key senior management roles to ensure stability and continuity.
Stakeholder Communication: Maintains transparent and effective communication with all stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, and the wider community.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Daily Management: Responsible for the day-to-day management of EHS, implementing policies and strategies approved by the Board.
Leadership and Direction: Provides leadership to the senior management team, setting operational priorities and aligning them with strategic objectives.
Policy Implementation: Ensures the implementation of all Board policies and decisions within the operational activities of the company.
Reporting: Regularly reports to the Board on the company’s performance, challenges, and the progress of strategic initiatives.
Stakeholder Relations: Acts as the primary spokesperson for EHS, managing relationships with key external parties, including investors, regulators, and business partners.

Senior Management Team
Strategic Execution: Assists the CEO in implementing the company’s strategic plans and policies.
Operational Management: Manages their respective departments or functions, ensuring efficient and effective operation in line with company goals.
Budget Control: Manages budgets and resources within their areas of responsibility, ensuring financial targets are met.
Compliance and Ethics: Ensures that all activities comply with legal and ethical standards, adhering to internal policies and external regulations.

Specialised Oversight: Each committee (e.g., Audit, Risk, Compensation) provides focused oversight and expert guidance in its respective area.
Advisory Role: Advises the Board on specific issues, enhancing the Board’s ability to make informed decisions.
Monitoring and Reporting: Monitors specific aspects of the company’s operations, reporting findings and recommendations to the Board.

Policy Adherence: All employees are expected to adhere to company policies and the ethical standards set out in the Code of Conduct.
Performance and Conduct: Responsible for their performance and conduct, contributing to the company’s goals and maintaining its reputation.
Reporting and Compliance: Employees are encouraged to report any instances of non-compliance or unethical behavior through the established whistleblowing channels.
Board Composition and Function
The Board of Directors at Earthhaven Healthcare Solutions Ltd. (EHS) is fundamental to our governance framework, playing a critical role in steering the organization towards achieving its strategic objectives while upholding the highest standards of integrity and compliance. The composition and functioning of the Board are designed to ensure diversity of thought, expertise, and experience, facilitating effective oversight and decision-making.

Board Composition
Diversity and Expertise: The Board consists of individuals from diverse professional backgrounds, including healthcare, business management, finance, and legal sectors. This diversity ensures a range of perspectives in decision-making processes.
Independent Directors: A significant proportion of the Board is made up of independent non-executive directors to ensure unbiased oversight of the executive management team.
Chairperson: The Chairperson of the Board is an independent director who is not involved in the daily management of EHS. The Chairperson’s role is to lead the Board effectively, facilitating its oversight and governance roles.
Committee Structure: The Board operates several committees, including Audit, Risk, Remuneration, and Compliance Committees. Each committee is chaired by an independent director and is tasked with specific governance functions that require detailed oversight.

Board Functions
Strategy Formulation: The Board is responsible for setting the strategic direction of EHS. It works closely with management to develop strategic plans and ensures that they are implemented effectively.
Financial Oversight: The Board oversees the financial affairs of EHS, including budgeting, financial reporting, and risk management. It ensures that financial goals are met and that financial practices are transparent and compliant with regulatory standards.
Risk Management: One of the key functions of the Board is to oversee the organization’s risk management framework. It ensures that major risks are identified, assessed, and managed appropriately.
Corporate Governance: The Board establishes robust governance practices that comply with legal and ethical standards. It oversees the implementation of governance policies and practices across the organization.
CEO and Executive Management Oversight: The Board appoints the CEO and monitors the performance of the CEO and other senior executives. It is also responsible for succession planning for senior management positions.
Stakeholder Engagement: The Board ensures that EHS maintains effective communication with all stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, clients, and the wider community. It oversees the disclosure of information to stakeholders and ensures that the organization meets its external reporting obligations.

Board Meetings
Frequency and Scheduling: The Board meets regularly, with additional meetings scheduled as required to address specific issues. The frequency of meetings ensures that the Board can effectively oversee the company's operations and respond promptly to emerging challenges.
Agenda Setting: The Chairperson, in consultation with the Board members and executive management, sets the agenda for each meeting. The agenda typically includes strategic discussions, financial reviews, risk management updates, and governance matters.
Documentation and Records: Detailed minutes of each Board meeting are recorded and maintained. These records are important for legal compliance and for providing continuity over time.
Executive Sessions: The Board holds executive sessions without the presence of executive management to discuss matters requiring independent deliberation. These sessions foster open discussions and independent assessment of management’s performance.
Risk Management
Risk management is a critical component of the corporate governance framework at Earthhaven Healthcare Solutions Ltd. (EHS). It ensures that the organization can effectively identify, assess, manage, and monitor potential risks that could impact its operations, reputation, and stakeholders. This document outlines EHS's approach to integrating risk management into its governance practices, ensuring the sustainability and resilience of the organization.

Risk Management Framework
Purpose: To establish a structured approach to managing uncertainty related to threats and to capitalize on opportunities that align with EHS’s strategic objectives.
Scope: This framework applies to all levels and functions within the organization, including strategic, operational, financial, and compliance risks.

Key Components of the Framework
Risk Identification: Systematic identification of risks that could hinder the achievement of the organization's objectives. This involves the participation of board members, management, and other stakeholders to ensure a comprehensive risk profile.
Risk Assessment: Evaluation of identified risks to determine their likelihood and potential impact. This assessment helps in prioritizing risks based on their severity and guides the allocation of resources for risk mitigation.
Risk Mitigation: Development and implementation of strategies to manage and mitigate prioritized risks. Mitigation strategies may include avoiding the risk, transferring the risk (e.g., through insurance), reducing the risk (through controls and procedures), or accepting the risk (when the cost of mitigation exceeds the benefit).
Risk Monitoring and Reporting: Continuous monitoring of the risk environment and the effectiveness of mitigation strategies. Regular risk reporting to the Board and senior management ensures that risk management remains aligned with the organization's goals and changes in the external environment.
Risk Culture: Cultivating a risk-aware culture within EHS through training and communications. This includes fostering an environment where staff are encouraged to report risks and where managing risk is considered everyone’s responsibility.

Roles and Responsibilities
Board of Directors: Oversees the risk management framework, ensuring it is robust and aligned with the strategic objectives of EHS. The Board is also responsible for approving major risk management policies and for providing the resources necessary to implement effective risk management practices.
Risk Management Committee: A committee of the Board that specifically focuses on risk management. This committee reviews and assesses the organization's risk profile, the effectiveness of risk management activities, and advises the Board on risk-related matters.
Chief Risk Officer (CRO) or Equivalent: Leads the risk management process, coordinates activities related to risk assessment and mitigation, and reports on risks to the Risk Management Committee and the Board.
Management: Implements risk management policies and controls as directed by the Board. Management is also responsible for identifying, assessing, and managing risks within their respective areas of operation.
All Employees: Responsible for understanding the risks associated with their activities and for complying with all risk management procedures and controls.
Ethics and Compliance
Ethics and compliance are foundational pillars of corporate governance at Earthhaven Healthcare Solutions Ltd. (EHS). This section of the governance framework outlines the company's commitment to maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct and compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and internal policies. It ensures that EHS operates not only within legal parameters but also upholds the principles of fairness, integrity, and responsibility in all its dealings.

Ethics and Compliance Framework
Purpose: To provide clear guidance on ethical behavior and legal compliance for all personnel and to foster a culture that promotes ethical decision-making and compliance with the law.
Scope: This framework applies to all employees, officers, directors, and stakeholders involved in any capacity within EHS, encompassing all geographical locations where the company operates.

Key Components of the Framework
Code of Ethics and Conduct: A comprehensive Code of Ethics and Conduct outlines the standards expected of all employees and directors at EHS. This document covers areas including, but not limited to, conflicts of interest, confidentiality, corporate opportunities, compliance with laws, and the respectful treatment of all employees and stakeholders.
Compliance Program: EHS implements a robust compliance program that includes:
Policies and Procedures: Detailed policies and procedures that guide operations, clarify roles and responsibilities, and provide mechanisms for compliance.
Training and Education: Regular training sessions are conducted to educate employees about their ethical and legal responsibilities. Training programs are updated continually to address current compliance issues and regulatory changes.
Monitoring and Auditing: Regular monitoring and auditing mechanisms ensure adherence to compliance protocols and help identify areas where improvements are needed.
Reporting Mechanisms: EHS maintains open channels for employees and other stakeholders to report unethical behavior or compliance violations anonymously without fear of retaliation. This includes a whistleblower hotline managed by an independent third party.
Ethics and Compliance Committee: A dedicated committee within the Board oversees the ethics and compliance program, ensuring it effectively prevents, detects, and responds to compliance and ethical issues.
Disciplinary Measures: Clear disciplinary procedures are in place for addressing violations of the Code of Ethics and Conduct. These measures ensure that infractions are dealt with fairly and consistently.

Roles and Responsibilities
Board of Directors: The Board ensures that the ethics and compliance framework is comprehensive and adhered to throughout the organization. It also reviews and approves significant policies and decisions related to ethics and compliance.
Chief Compliance Officer (CCO): The CCO oversees the implementation of the compliance program, ensures appropriate training and education for employees, and reports directly to the Board on compliance matters.
Managers and Supervisors: Responsible for promoting an ethical culture within their teams and for enforcing compliance in their respective areas of operation.
Employees: All employees are expected to follow the Code of Ethics and Conduct and to report any suspected breaches of ethics or compliance to their managers, the compliance department, or through the reporting mechanisms established by EHS.
Shareholder and Stakeholder Relations
At Earthhaven Healthcare Solutions Ltd. (EHS), effective management of relationships with shareholders and stakeholders is essential to our corporate governance framework. This policy outlines our commitment to engaging with both shareholders and stakeholders in a manner that is transparent, ethical, and beneficial to all parties involved. This engagement supports EHS’s strategic objectives and enhances the company’s reputation and sustainability.

Shareholder and Stakeholder Relations Framework
Purpose: To ensure that all communications and interactions with shareholders and stakeholders are conducted in a transparent, accurate, and timely manner. The framework aims to foster trust and mutual respect, facilitating informed decision-making by all parties.
Scope: This framework covers all forms of interaction and communication with shareholders and stakeholders, including investors, employees, customers, suppliers, regulatory bodies, and the communities where EHS operates.

Key Components of the Framework
Communication Policy:
Transparency: Providing clear, accurate, and comprehensive information about EHS’s operations, financial performance, and strategic direction.
Accessibility: Ensuring that all shareholders and stakeholders have equal access to information necessary for making informed decisions regarding their relationship with EHS.
Timeliness: Disseminating information in a timely manner, especially when responding to specific inquiries or during crises.
Stakeholder Engagement:
Identification of Stakeholders: Regularly identifying and categorizing stakeholders by their relevance and the nature of their relationship with EHS.
Engagement Strategies: Developing tailored engagement strategies for different stakeholder groups to address their specific needs and expectations.
Feedback Mechanisms: Implementing mechanisms for stakeholders to provide feedback on EHS’s policies and practices, ensuring that their voices are heard and considered in corporate decision-making.
Annual General Meetings (AGMs):
Inclusive Participation: Facilitating the participation of all shareholders in AGMs, whether in person or via digital platforms, to ensure they can exercise their rights in company governance.
Comprehensive Reporting: Providing detailed reports at AGMs that cover financial results, corporate governance practices, and future plans.
Q&A Sessions: Including question and answer sessions to address shareholder concerns and foster a two-way dialogue.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiatives:
Community Involvement: Engaging with local communities to understand their concerns and needs, ensuring that EHS’s operations positively impact these communities.
Sustainability Practices: Integrating sustainable practices into business operations to address the interests of stakeholders concerned with environmental and social issues.

Roles and Responsibilities
Board of Directors: Oversees the shareholder and stakeholder relations framework, ensuring that it aligns with EHS’s overall strategy and corporate governance standards.
Investor Relations Officer (IRO): Manages day-to-day interactions with shareholders and institutional investors, ensuring they are kept informed of company developments and that their feedback is communicated to the Board.
Public Relations (PR) Team: Handles communications with other stakeholders, including the media, community groups, and regulatory bodies, ensuring consistent and positive messaging about EHS.
CSR Committee: Develops and implements CSR initiatives that align with stakeholder expectations and enhance community well-being.
Financial Integrity and Transparency
Financial integrity and transparency are cornerstones of the corporate governance framework at Earthhaven Healthcare Solutions Ltd. (EHS). They ensure that the company adheres to the highest standards of financial reporting, accounting, and corporate transparency. This policy outlines the principles and practices that EHS follows to maintain financial integrity and promote transparency, thereby building trust with shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders.

Financial Integrity and Transparency Framework
Purpose: To ensure that all financial transactions and reporting practices are conducted ethically, accurately, and in compliance with applicable laws and standards. This framework aims to provide stakeholders with a clear and truthful view of the company's financial status and operations.
Scope: This framework covers all financial processes, including accounting, reporting, auditing, and disclosure practices at EHS.

Key Components of the Framework
Financial Reporting:
Accurate and Timely Reports: Ensuring that all financial statements and reports are accurate, complete, and delivered within the required timelines.
Adherence to Standards: Complying with international financial reporting standards (IFRS) and other applicable accounting standards to ensure consistency and comparability of financial information.
Audit Committee:
Independent Audits: Facilitating regular independent audits by external auditors to verify the accuracy and fairness of financial statements and reports.
Internal Controls: Overseeing the development and implementation of robust internal controls that safeguard assets, enhance the reliability of financial records, and prevent fraud.
Audit Reports: Reviewing and approving audit findings and ensuring that recommendations are implemented promptly.
Disclosure Practices: Implementing rigorous disclosure practices that ensure all financial and operational data necessary for stakeholders to make informed decisions are publicly available.
Communication Channels: Establishing dedicated communication channels for stakeholders to request and receive financial information.
Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring full compliance with financial regulations, securities laws, and corporate governance codes.
Ethical Standards: Upholding the highest ethical standards in all financial dealings and decision-making processes.
Risk Management:
Financial Risk Oversight: Identifying, assessing, and managing financial risks that could impact the company’s financial condition or operational capabilities.
Regular Reporting: Providing the Board and shareholders with regular updates on financial risks and the strategies in place to mitigate them.

Roles and Responsibilities
Board of Directors:
Oversight: Providing overall guidance and oversight on financial reporting, internal controls, and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
Approval of Financial Statements: Reviewing and approving annual financial statements before they are released to ensure they accurately represent the company's financial status.
Chief Financial Officer (CFO):
Day-to-Day Management: Overseeing the day-to-day management of the company’s financial operations, including financial planning, risk management, record-keeping, and financial reporting.
Leadership and Coordination: Leading the finance team and coordinating with other departments to ensure that financial procedures and reporting are carried out accurately and ethically.
Audit Committee:
Monitoring and Evaluation: Monitoring the effectiveness of the company’s internal controls and the integrity of the financial reporting processes and systems.
External Auditors:
Independent Auditing: Conducting independent and objective audits of the company’s financial statements and reporting their findings to the Audit Committee and the Board.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a fundamental aspect of the corporate governance framework at Earthhaven Healthcare Solutions Ltd. (EHS). This CSR policy is designed to ensure that our business practices promote sustainability and positively impact our community, environment, and all stakeholders involved. This commitment aligns with our overarching corporate governance principles, which prioritize ethical behavior, accountability, and transparency.

Corporate Social Responsibility Framework
Purpose: To guide EHS in conducting its business with a commitment to ethical practices, environmental sustainability, social equity, and economic development.
Scope: This framework applies to all aspects of EHS’s operations and its interactions with clients, suppliers, employees, and the broader community.

Key Components of the Framework
Community Engagement:
Support and Development: Engaging with local communities to support educational, health, and social projects. EHS invests in community programs that align with our business goals and enhance the quality of life of the community members.
Volunteer Programs: Encouraging employees to participate in volunteer activities that benefit the communities where EHS operates.
Environmental Responsibility:
Sustainable Practices: Implementing and promoting environmental sustainability in our operations. This includes reducing waste, conserving energy, and using environmentally friendly technologies and materials.
Carbon Footprint Reduction: Committing to reducing our carbon footprint through efficient energy use, transportation logistics, and promoting remote work where possible.
Ethical Business Practices:
Supplier Relations: Ensuring that our supply chain reflects our CSR values. This involves selecting suppliers who adhere to ethical business practices, including environmental management and fair labor practices.
Transparency: Maintaining high levels of transparency in our dealings, ensuring that all business practices are fair and open for scrutiny.
Employee Welfare:
Safe and Fair Work Environment: Providing a safe, healthy, and fair workplace for all employees. This includes adequate health and safety measures, fair labor practices, and equal opportunities for development and progression.
Diversity and Inclusion: Promoting diversity and inclusion within the workforce, ensuring that all employees feel valued and respected regardless of their background or personal characteristics.
Economic Responsibility:
Local Sourcing: Where possible, sourcing materials and labor locally to support the economies of the communities in which we operate.
Sustainable Growth: Focusing on long-term economic growth that does not sacrifice environmental or social well-being.

Roles and Responsibilities
CSR Committee: A dedicated committee that develops CSR strategies, oversees their implementation, and monitors their effectiveness. This committee reports directly to the Board of Directors.
Board of Directors:
Oversight and Accountability: Ensuring that CSR is integrated into the corporate governance framework and aligns with the overall business strategy.
Resource Allocation: Approving resources for CSR initiatives and reviewing their impact.
Implementation: Incorporating CSR principles into daily business operations and decision-making processes.
Employee Engagement: Encouraging and facilitating employee involvement in CSR activities.
Participation: Actively participating in CSR initiatives and upholding the company’s commitment to responsible practices in their professional roles.
Monitoring and Review
Effective monitoring and review mechanisms are essential components of the corporate governance framework at Earthhaven Healthcare Solutions Ltd. (EHS). These processes ensure that governance practices are consistently applied and remain effective over time. This section outlines the strategies and practices EHS employs to monitor governance activities and review their effectiveness, thereby ensuring ongoing compliance and improvement.

Monitoring and Review Framework
Purpose: To assess the effectiveness of corporate governance practices and make necessary adjustments to meet the evolving needs of the organization and its stakeholders.
Scope: This framework covers all aspects of corporate governance at EHS, including board performance, compliance with policies, risk management effectiveness, and adherence to ethical standards.

Key Components of the Framework
Regular Board Evaluations:
Self-assessments and External Reviews: Conducting regular self-assessments and independent external reviews of the Board’s performance to identify areas for improvement.
Action Plans: Developing and implementing action plans based on evaluation results to enhance board effectiveness.
Audit and Compliance Monitoring:
Internal Audits: Regular internal audits to review compliance with governance policies and procedures, financial controls, and risk management strategies.
External Audits: Engaging independent external auditors to validate the company’s financial reporting and test the integrity of its financial controls.
Compliance Checks: Regular checks to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements across different jurisdictions.
Risk Management Oversight:
Continuous Risk Assessment: Ongoing assessment of business and operational risks to ensure that risk management strategies are current and effective.
Reporting Mechanisms: Implementing robust mechanisms for reporting risk management findings to the Board, allowing for timely adjustments to risk strategies.
Policy and Procedure Review:
Regular Updates: Systematically reviewing and updating governance policies and procedures to reflect changes in laws, regulations, and best practices.
Stakeholder Feedback: Incorporating feedback from stakeholders to refine governance practices and ensure they meet stakeholder needs.
Stakeholder Engagement:
Regular Surveys and Feedback Sessions: Engaging with shareholders, employees, and other stakeholders through surveys, meetings, and feedback sessions to gather insights into the effectiveness of governance practices.
Transparency Reports: Publishing transparency reports that detail governance practices, challenges, and achievements to keep stakeholders informed and engaged.

Roles and Responsibilities
Board of Directors:
Oversight: Overseeing the implementation of the monitoring and review framework and ensuring its effectiveness.
Review of Findings: Reviewing findings from audits, evaluations, and reviews to make informed decisions about governance improvements.
Audit Committee:
Audit Oversight: Managing the audit process, both internal and external, and ensuring that audit findings are addressed promptly.
Compliance Monitoring: Overseeing compliance monitoring processes and reporting compliance issues to the Board.
Risk Management Committee:
Risk Oversight: Overseeing the continuous assessment of risks and the effectiveness of risk management strategies.
Chief Governance Officer (or equivalent):
Coordination: Coordinating the monitoring and review activities across the organization.
Reporting: Reporting on governance monitoring and review activities to the Board and relevant committees.